Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer is here

I'm back to Zagreb, and I have to say a bit shocked with weather here, too hot for me. I'm winter kind of person, i don't like sun, I hate sweating, oh, i just want proper spring back. Oh, I think I didn't tell you I have a new girl crush... Short hair girl again... It's Carrey Mulligan. And it's not really new, it's since I saw "An Education". I just hope Michelle Williams and Kirsten Dunst won't be jealous about it. :-)
I also can't wait too show you my recent buys. I won that competition, so I was able to afford myself some adorable new things... Just, it's too hot right now.

Yesterday we went out to watch football, of course. And I was hoping Germany will loose, of course... And the second outfit I wore today morning when going to flea market. And my new obsession? Turbans...

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By bubushka at 2010-07-11

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By bubushka at 2010-07-11

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By bubushka at 2010-07-11

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By bubushka at 2010-07-11


  1. Ova prva kombinacija mi je SAVRŠENAAAA!
    Predivna si :)

  2. kulerice ;) ova druga mi je med medeni na kulerski način ofkors <2+1

    prva mi je isto divna (ja ne volim klompe mislim nisu mi ove tvoje užasne jer imaju otvorene prste :D a i lijepo ti stoje što je je.) haljina mi je divna! a torba je čokoladna glazura na torti ;)
    baš si mi mljac :*

  3. meni je druga bolja!!! torba divna

  4. mrzimt e zbog te torbe :D savršena je. predivne mi obje kombinacije :)) :*

  5. skroz kul, mada bih ja makla shpagerice
    naochare su mi mrak. hocu i ja jedne crvene :) bash cu sutra malo da potrazim :)
    p.s. kradem net od komshije, pa vidim samo drugu kombinaciju, ali vraticu se da pogledam sve lepo :D

  6. ova haljina mora da je preudobna. predivna je to je sigurno! heee

  7. predivna mi je ova prva kombinacija!!! <3

  8. ne mogu prestat biti ljubomorna na tu torbu. a stvarno se trudim! prepredivna je! i prvi te put vidim u nečem ravnom. jednako dobre i prva i druga komba! :*

  9. i love carey mulligan too!!!:) she's super classy and pretty. btw, i'm lovin' your paisley dress!:)


  10. Divna si sva, ali torba je :D predivna <3
