So... the festival season is over, finally... I spent 3 long weeks leaving in my suitcase with many accidents but also nice moments. Now I'm tired but also full of new adventures. Where to start? Oh yes, maybe from the fact that I felt in the bus and hit the front glass? I am alive, but it was really bad. But I had a kind gentleman who helped me. Ok, I did look like home violence victim for next 2 weeks, but now you can barely see it. Then, on the island of Unije, where my band had a team building week, I stepped on a sea urchin. 23 spikes, ladies and gentleman!!! But a kind gentleman helped me again. Then while driving back, I got a very bad stomach flue that made me throw around the whole trip back. But the same kind gentleman helped me again. I taught this will be enough for the rest of the year, but coming back home from Dubrovnik, I realized my wisdom tooth got infected, so I had to see my favorite, the dentist. As I'm waiting for the operation, I hope I won't break my leg, or anything like that.
But, the good moments really made me forget all of this shit. Night swimming, waiting for sunrise on the beach with a bottle of fantastic bottle of wine, new friends, good food, a lot of time to read all the books I wanted to read through the year, new faces, new scents, those are all things I will never forget. So, all in one very nice tour.
And yes, I finally found the arty ring, purchased it, and now I'm waiting for it to come to mama. I'm so happy about it, I think I will even sleep with it. Pure perfection, and the last one, so I think I'm still a lucky girl.

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fotke su ti prekrasne! a ti josš prekrasnija! a taj prsten sanjam odtkad sma ga prvi put ugledala, nisam uopce vidjela da ima u rozoj boji! meni se najvise svida tirkizni i narančasti :)poslikaj se s njim cim stigne! i da bas jesi sretnica <3
hvala ti draga!!!
ReplyDeleteja sam ga htjela isto u tirkiznoj, ali mislim da ću prije stan kupiti nego naći ga u tirkiznoj!!!
Ajme......Taj prsten je čisto savršenstvo!!!
ReplyDeleteBaš si sretnica,znaš??? :)
krasne su ti slikice! baš mi je drago da si se lijepo provela unatoč svemu!! :)
ReplyDeleteveć znaš da su mi ovi prsteni divni. moj je danas konačno stigao! tako da, vjeruj mi, dijelim tvoju sreću i znam kako ti je!! :D
aaaa, vratia se šime! dobrodošla natrag!
ReplyDeletei baš si me uspjela nasmijati ovako rano ujutro kad ne znam di mi je glava, a di dupe s oproštenjem.
jao, kakvi doživljaji! mogu mislit kako ti je bilo.. :/
ponekad se čovjeku baš čini ko da su se sve nevolje svijeta srušile na njega. srećom pa je tu kind gentleman. ;)
fotkice su ti super, preslatka si mi!
i unaprijed se veselim novim postovima! :*