Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jean Seberg would be proud...

Another very rainy and even more boring day has come... For some reason, I can't stay rainy days... I want spring as perfect as it was!!!
Tomorrow I'm starting to work. It's not permanent job, but as a freelancer, I don't have many opportunities to choose. And it will take me out of the house for few hours per day. Today will also be the day for more DIY projects I think... but we'll see!
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By bubushka at 2010-05-04
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By bubushka at 2010-05-04
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By bubushka at 2010-05-04
I'm wearing a beautiful shirt made of finest silk. It used to belong to my grandmother and I want to continue wearing it, cause it so much reminds me on her, just I do it as a dress on the opposite side... Tights are from H&M, and boots are so old I can't even remember any more where did I buy them..
I wish you all a nice day and let's all hope for real spring!
Note to myself: Cut your hair tonight. You start looking like Tina Turner.


  1. super je! jednostavno lijepo i efektno ;)

  2. zanimljiva bluza! :)
    šta se sama šišaš? :)

  3. i love vintage items! nice dress!

  4. What a beautiful dress!:D The Tina Turner line made me laugh!:D

    Just came across your blog today and just followed you.:D I hope you can give my blog a visit and maybe follow too?:D

    ...and everything girly under the sun!

  5. Izgledas krasno u tim kombinacijama! Ali mene vise odusevljava ta soba :) Ja takoder ''patim'' za hrpom detalja, sitnicama i slicnim skupljacima prasine! Fala bogu da nemam alerigju na prasinu jer ne znam kako bi to funkcioniralo :P
