Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mastering the Art of French Cooking

For last few years I'm in love with Julia Child's recipes... they can't go wrong, or when they do, they go completely wrong... Yesterday, I had luck, everything went fantastic, except everyone getting completely drunk. I woke up with the worst hangover EVER! So, these pictures are actually from yesterday, and I hope I'll take some more today!
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By bubushka at 2010-05-01
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By bubushka at 2010-05-01
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By bubushka at 2010-05-01
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By bubushka at 2010-05-01

Wearing: H&M dress, no name beige shoes Reading: French Kitchen for French
Acting like: Stepford wife

And now I leave you with a picture of delicious chocolate tart...
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By bubushka at 2010-05-01


  1. odličan blog <3
    baš mi se sviđa tvoja soba, joj, obožavam potkrovlja <3
    i skroz si mi slatka!

  2. This is an interesting post!! I saw the Julie and Julia movie and was inspired to start a blog as well..
    Nice outfit, very appropriate for the occassion!! looking stunning as usual
    Xo Solidfreshdope

  3. ejjjjjjjj Bubu$ka slatka <3 :))) hvala za gledaju moja blog :)))) mozete procitati sve o meni u moj prvi blog post: :) Ja bih rado trenirao moj hrvatski s vama. ti si moj novi prijateljca :)))
    ja Volim svoj blog, i stil! <3 imate li fejc?? :) pusa dragaaa

  4. good luck with cooking! and love love the dress!

  5. I love the style of that dress! Good luck with the cooking--I'd be glad to sample what you come up with! ;)

    Thank you for connecting with me on Chictopia!

  6. i looooove your floral H&M dress.
    thank you so much for following me! :)
    i'll follow you too, i love your photos! :D :D


  7. iz koje je kolekcije za h&m haljina? ( da si potražim na ibeju) :D

    p.s. preslatka si mi i lajkam kombe jako!!

  8. Ajme! Ta haljina ima tako savršeni kroj, ja sam je kupila pre nekoliko meseci, samo u drugoj varijanti boja. U trenutku kad sam je obukla sam shvatila da mora biti moja <3.

    Nadam se da je zima kriva za ovaj manjak postova. Vrati nam se :)
